High Performance Culture
for Groups, Teams & Individuals
A Cultural Paradigm & The Cycle of Change
CubeNorth acknowledges that 'Performance Culture' is subject to an inevitable 'Cycle of Change' and within the 'Cycle of Change' there is a dominant relationship between 'Time' and 'Value' and the co-existence between the 'Past' and the 'Future', each being equally relevant to Culture.
There is a natural flow to the 'Cycle of Change' within life in general and is equally present in the performance of all groups, teams and individuals. If the 'Cycle' is left to run its coarse, there is a predictable path of performance with subtle variance the level of success and the timing to failure.
Know your 'Now Story'.
CubeNorth will challenge you, we, us to stand on the point of ‘Now’ (the y & x intersection) and critique where we have come from and where we are yet to go; by looking to both sides of the time X axis. This critique will establish where in the Cycle of Change you, your team or your Organisation is at.
Taking Control of the Cultural Paradigm & the Cycle of Change.
CubeNorth has found that all groups, teams and individuals exist within this cultural paradigm and are constantly challenged by the Cycle of Change.
High Performance Culture belongs to the groups, teams and individuals who posses the awareness of the 'Cycle of Change' and the ability to navigate and optimise all aspects of the Cycle.
Navigating and Optimising the Cultural Paradigm & Cycle of Change.
CubeNorth experience has formulated a structured approach to organising, managing and leading High Performance Culture & the Cycle of Change via the introduction of six (6) High Performance Cubes. The six cubes are designed to maintain the integrity of the Cultural Paradigm (Time & Value relationship) and the categories of the Cycle of Change (Co-existence of the Past and Future). Each Cube is numbered, named and has a distinct purpose;
•Cube 1 – History. The History Cube provides Culture with clarity, respect and regard for ‘Past Performance’ and a perspective, context and a ‘Reason for Change’.
•Cube 2 – Origin. The Origin Cube provides Culture with a clarity of what is important to one & all and a commitment to exist together, a ‘Reason for Being’. It provides an understanding of what ‘not to change’ and the clarity of what ‘needs to change’ which when combined inspires the pursuit for ‘Continuous Improvement’.
•Cube 3 – Vision. The Vison Cube provides Culture with a point of excellence projected out in time and a pathway for the effort required to realise that vision on or before time, ‘Operational Excellence’. A vision always encounters the unknown (‘Burning Platforms’), for which anticipation, optimism and mitigation are required.
•Cube 4 – Being. The Being Cube provides Culture with an appreciation that ‘Value’ brings purpose and ‘Time’ brings the vulnerability of being finite in the form of ‘Diminishing Returns’ & ‘Failure’. The countermeasure to ‘Failure’ and the onset of ‘Diminishing Returns’ is the mental wellbeing and physical health of its participants.
•Cube 5 - Operating System. The Operating System Cube provides Culture with a defined process that enables a high performing group, team or individual to optimise ‘Time’ and ‘Value’.
•Cube 6 - Internal Control. The Internal Control Cube provides Culture with the ability to maintain context, perspective and knowledge as to the status & condition of all Cube Elements and to action any threat or deviation. External Control can be gained by well intended or maliciously intended parties seeking to exploit culture.
The Criteria to Sustain High Performance Culture.
The High Performance Cube's contain critical criteria needed to establish the ethos or effectiveness of each Cube, in other words, the effort and commitment that is required to realise each of the Cube Categories.
The critical criteria for each of the High Performance Cubes are known as 'Elements' and each Cube has six (6) 'Elements'. The establishment, maintenance, implementation, and ongoing continuous improvement of each of the 36 'Elements' is key to achieving and sustaining High Performance Culture for groups, teams and individuals.
CubeNorth has developed a comprehensive method of establishing, implementing, maintaining and continuously improving the Performance Cubes for groups, teams and individuals. (See CubeNorth's High Performance Culture Roadmap and Diagnostic service section)
High Performance Culture
Roadmap & Diagnostic
Gain an understanding, context and perspective of your
Business's Performance Culture
How empowered and effective are the teams and individuals in your Business?
CubeNorth has a High Performance Diagnostic Tool with an option to use a very experienced team to carry out the assessment and provide a comprehensive tailor made report outlining findings, recommendations with 'mission' focused solutions to any delta's effecting High Performance.
CubeNorth has a BluePrint for High Performance Culture.
The BluePrint constitutes an eight (8) step Culture Maturity Matrix mapped across each of the thirty six (36) High Performance Elements with in the six (6) High Performance Cubes.
The Culture Maturity Matrix is designed to identify the status of Culture for each Element via Internal or External assessments. The categories of Culture recognises;
1. Destructive Culture (Intended or Unintended)
2. Baseline Culture (Non-Existent or Evident & Evolving)
3. Benchmark Culture (Normal Practice – Leader Lead or Normal Practice – Self Lead)
4. Leading & Self Evolving Culture (Embedded & Self Lead or Embedded & Self Evolving)
CubeNorth recommends and offers this BluePrint to Groups, Teams and Individuals to utilise as a Roadmap to assess the health of Performance Culture and an ongoing solutions and action plan tool to progress High Performance.
CubeNorth's method of reporting back Maturity Assessment feedback.
The CubeNorth team will provide a executive summary report outlining the findings of the assessment and any context required to validate finding in the form of a new generation SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats).
Additionally the team will provide a Status Heatmap Dashboard for each of the Element findings. This Dashboard is designed to visualise each of the Element's criteria, the assessment findings and score and a description of what was observed. The Dashboard also provides a recommended solutions pathway (referred to as Mission Boards) to progress the level of performance towards an embedded and self-evolving high performance culture. That's when you know your team has embraced 'Continuous Improvement' and 'Change Management' as core business.