Multi Dimensional Leadership
empower and enable High Performance Culture
The Leadership Challenge
"As the world quickly moves towards being a Global Community with the ability to express and act on it's aspirations and ambitions, Organisations are under increasing pressure to establish their 'Strategic Intentions', making them clear, concise and visionary and then distilling them into effective Operational Deployment Plans for their people to deliver."
The Leadership Dilemma
"This challenge leads to Organisations becoming more threatened with structural compromise and increasing Silo's with deteriorating functionality.
More significantly Leaders are becoming too one dimensional. There is a growing imbalance of leadership knowledge and experience causing critical decline in prioritising leaders time in the field to be with their teams leading their people."
High Performance Culture requires a comprehensive organisational leadership framework and methodology with a collective skillset to provide Strategic, Functional Support, Operational Readiness and Frontline Leadership.
CubeNorth has mapped the critical elements of High Performance Culture and has developed a Leadership Roadmap for organisations to create a framework designed to best lead and support teams and individuals within the business. The Leadership Roadmap incorporates Strategic Leadership, Functional Support Leadership, Operational Readiness Leadership and Frontline Leadership.
The Leadership Roadmap also provides guidance as to where the leader's physical presence should be spent. This guidance is express in the from of the ratio of their time being spent in the field with their teams and people, in the community with their relevant stakeholders and in their office working on strategy and plan.
CubeNorth's Leadership Roadmap includes providing (Standards MILOs & Mastery);
Leadership Standards defining what is expected from leaders, including leadership qualities, skills, qualifications, experience, abilities and situational awareness. Additionally the Standards define the differences between Strategic, Functional Support, Operational Readiness and Frontline Leadership.
Leadership MILO's (Month in the Life Of), which provide a transparent and effective way to organise Leaders time and physical presence (right time - right place). The MILO's priorities 'Field Leadership' time, 'Community' time and 'Self' time.
Leadership Mastery is a process of mentoring leaders to develop theirs skills and capabilities. Mastery uses a 'Role Validation' process via an internal mentor to guide and support leaders through development programs.
Sequencing Leadership Deployment through the line.
CubeNorth offers a Leadership support program that can be tailored to the needs of Business. CubeNorth can also offer a holistic program to implement a leadership framework to best support High Performance Culture.